Author: Novawing24

  • Website Migration Update

    Website Migration Update

    We have fixed the issue with the SSL certificate and we are now fully migrated! Thank you for your patience as we completed this! If you find anything not working on the site, please let us know via the contact form or alternatively via

  • Tuskegee Airmen Tribute Livery

    Tuskegee Airmen Tribute Livery

    The world is in turmoil right now, and it is hard to know what to do. There is so much negativity in the world, to say it is depressing is an understatement. I wanted to do something to show my feelings and support for a movement against injustice, but didn’t know how. I took inspiration…

  • Website Migration Update

    Website Migration Update

    We have identified an issue with our SSL Certificate not showing up correctly. Our site is safe, and has been thoroughly checked, we are working with our new hosting provider and certificate issuer to determine the issue and resolve as soon as possible.

  • Website Migration

    Website Migration

    Well folks we have just finished our move to a new hosting provider! Hopefully everything is working, and first tests seem to show this. We will be working through some fixes to the site over the coming months to make your experience even smoother. If in the meantime you find anything not working as you…

  • Download Link Update

    Download Link Update

    Hey all! I hope this post finds you all safe and socially distant! We are still working through issues at the back end of the website, however in the meantime all our liveries and aircraft have had their pages updated to include a Download link. The big awesome button is still not back, just look…

  • Hardware Failures and Content Delays

    Hardware Failures and Content Delays

    Hi all, Just wanted to give you all an update. For those who may not have caught the announcement on my social channels, my main rig suffered a catastrophic failure last week and I am currently without a PC capable of Flight Simming, nor producing quality content for you and the community. I am working…

  • Prepar3D v5 Changes the Game… or Does It?

    Prepar3D v5 Changes the Game… or Does It?

    Well the surprise announcement only a scant two weeks prior to it arriving on digital shelves, Lockheed Martin’s latest iteration of the venerable Prepar3D series is out with the release of Version 5. I got my hands on it and put it to the test, and I was less than impressed. I take on all…

  • Download Link Issues

    Download Link Issues

      Howdy all! Just want to let everyone know we are currently experiencing some problems with downloads from our site here. We are working to fix things, but don’t know how long this will take. We will keep you updated as things change! Thanks for your support Safe Skies Novawing24

  • Yellow Peril!

    Yellow Peril!

      I don’t often fly it, but AeroFly FS2 intrigues me, and I got the paint brushes out to try my hand at its format. There are a lot of challenges to outputting it into a format that is useable by the sim, and of course I love a challenge! As a bit of a…

  • Happy Australia Day!

    Happy Australia Day!

    While Australia Day may not have quite the global impact that the 4th of July can, we love celebrating it in our own way. It is a day to connect and in true Australian fashion have a bit of a laugh. This was me taking in the sights of Orbx’s updated Australia v2 in the…